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We are searching for an experienced digital designer to join our team and work in our enthusiastic and (frankly) brilliant creative team. We are on a serious mission to help brands apply design thinking to digital and help them transform their businesses. If you think this sounds like your kind of thing and something you’d get a real kick out of, have a read through the below, and send us your CV and/or portfolio!

Graphic designer at Lord Whitney




The essentials


  • A minimum of 2 – 3 years’ experience

  • You must must must have Creative Suite, Sketch and Axure (or similar) skills

  • Free thinking and confidence in expressing your views

  • Excellent understanding of colour, layout, and typography

  • Seriously excited to work with existing brands and developing new ones

  • A passion for User Experience

  • Automatically designing for mobile, basically like second nature…

  • Proof that you are always thinking about our mission: user happiness

  • Having a technical appreciation of front-end technologies and working with our powerhouse front-end development teams

  • You have to have a sense of humour. Non-negotiable (sorry!)




Lord Whitney Studios,

Scott Hall Mills, Leeds,

Buslingthorpe Lane,


Ask away with our

Creative Agony Aunt 

Ask Emma all your creative queries

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